Thanks, Jez. We should be getting FTTC this year, but I wouldn’t be surprised
if that were delayed. That performance would be fine for me.
I’ve recently moved to BT, from a static IP address to a dynamic, and I feel
the difference. Each start of activity has a delay, seeming to wake up to my
presence. Mind you, I’ve just had my master socket wiring checked and that was
money well spent . . .
> On 1 Mar 2015, at 16:51, Jez Cunningham <jez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Don't know your local situation but your _exchange_ surely is linked by
> fibre(s).
> What BT/Openreach are widely rolling out is FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet)
> with copper for the final link to the premises (running VDSL IIRC). You'll
> get a new street cabinet alongside the old one and they'll switch
> subscribers as they sign-up. I was connected last month and now have
> 40Mb/s downstream and 10Mb/s upstream. Only 5x better down but 10x better
> up. There's another option with double those speeds but for more £ than I
> wanted to pay.
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