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Re: [OM] E-M5 II announced

Subject: Re: [OM] E-M5 II announced
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2015 15:46:46 -0500
A good point and agree but.....   As Dr. Flash is wont to say, there are always 
two exposures.  With fill flash, shutter shock (if present to a significant 
degree), could degrade the image
and 1/20th for max sync with EFC  is obviously an issue.  There seems to be a  
rough correlation with shutter noise and shutter shock (SS), so that bodes well 
for the E-M5 II but 
it would be nice to see that confirmed.  With the E-P5 the SS is tremendous and 
the firmware update with EFC  (0 sec anti-vibe) was a dramatic improvement but 
there are still significant

Fill flash fan for macro, student of Dr. Flash, Mike

Dr. Flash writes:

I have no idea why but don't think I'd be concerned, I'd just avoid EFC 
when using flash.  I don't think re-introducing shutter shock is likely 
to be detrimental to a flash picture.  Regardless of the shutter speed 
the flash exposure will likely be much faster than the shutter and not 
record the shutter vibration.  The ambient exposure of the background 
will be much less important and, I suspect, not bothered by the shutter 
shock in any material way.

A flash exposure using an E-M5 with anti-shock turned off could probably 
answer the question but I don't feel like experimenting... too many 
variables of shutter speed, flash exposure duration and ambient light 

On 2/7/2015 11:27 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
> Just a couple other things.  I think I mentioned that the Flash sync
> speed with EFC is 1/20 sec and "not recommended."  Hmmm, what's with
> that?

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