On 1/15/2015 2:02 AM, philippe.amard wrote:
The Fuji sensor clean is apparently less effective than Oly's?
"I have my camera set to clean the sensor both when I switch it on and when I turn it off—it’s best to shake the sensor
up a bit as often as possible. With the help of high-frequency vibrations, the dust particles loosen from the sensor
preventing them from becoming permanently attached.
See, problem solved! Well, just kidding. Don’t put too much stock in the sensor cleaning function. If any dirt particles
have set on the sensor, they’re likely to remain stubbornly attached even after running the cleaning mechanism."
Is it one of those systems that tries to clean by using IBIS to shake up/down/side to side? That's never going to work.
The surface needs to vibrate ultrasonically forward and backward.
I notice he leaves out the LensPen sensor cleaner. I thought that about the
best of the various things I used on my Canons.
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