On 1/3/2015 12:56 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
Oh, my! The uncorrected 12-50 looks like a barrel of beer. I think I will just learn to accept the corrections
applied by ACR and add a little final twist if necessary.
Oh, my again! I just looked at the full size image I uploaded taken with the 9-18. At 100% there's a lot of red
chroma on white vertical edges starting about 80% out from center. That obviously didn't get corrected in the raw
processing. I'll have to watch for that in images where it matters.
The whole CA correction thing with µ4/3 is confusing. Panny has always corrected CA in-camera for JPEGs and puts
distortion and CA correction data in EXIF. ACR has a note for RW2 files that it is applying distortion and CA correction
from the Raw file. For ORF files, the note only refers to distortion data.
Oly never got on the CA correction bandwagon - until very recently. A quick search shows lots of confusion as to how the
E-M1 and E-M10 do it for JPEGs. Seems most likely to be in camera image evaluation, as it works for Panny lenses, too.
<http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/olympus-om-d-e-m1/12> That's apparently how Nikon does it.
Perhaps that could be your last straw reason to get an E-M1. <http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/olympus-om-d-e-m1/12>
Except, it doesn't seem to be available for Raw files ... So, it mostly seems we Raw file users with Oly lenses are
stuck correcting in our converters or editors.
Confused enough yet?
Confused Aberrant Moose
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