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Re: [OM] Have E-M5 and E-M1 users noticed...

Subject: Re: [OM] Have E-M5 and E-M1 users noticed...
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:24:26 -0500
Thanks. I obviously did the update but missed the mention of low ISO. I'm amazed at how low key the feature is treated. It's mentioned in the E-1 manual but never described even to the brief level in the firmware update for the E-5. Shades of Canon's treatment of their "low" ISO setting (along with "high" ISO setting). In Canon's case it's almost like they're saying "we put these there but you don't really want to use them." One whole stop of lowered sensitivity is a big deal for someone shooting fill flash in sun.

Chuck Norcutt

On 12/29/2014 11:43 AM, Lawrence Plummer wrote:
When looking through the E-M1 manual this morning I noticed that it has an
undefined "Low" ISO setting and also has two in-camera HDR modes.

Although the E-M5 manual says nothing about "Low" ISO I discovered that my
camera allows such a setting. I assume that this must have arrived with
one of the firmware upgrades to the camera but I don't recall it ever
having been mentioned. Since even the E-M1 manual says nothing about the
setting I had to assume it means 1/2 of the lowest normal setting as it
does on the Canon 5D. The 5D's lowest normal setting is ISO 100 and the
low setting takes it to 50. I assume that the E-M1 and E-M5 have an ISO of
100 when set to "Low" and my meter readings verify that. Good news for
fill flash shooters competing with the sun for the ambient exposure. Also,
as I've noted before with respect to daylight fill flash my own E-M5 will
sync at 1/320 vs the stated limit of 1/250. The E-M1 manual says it will
do 1/320 with the "built-in" flash but only 1/250 with an external flash.

This was a part of the version 2.0 update (Jan. 29 2014) for the E-M5:


The EM-1 has had LOW from the beginning. It is referenced in the manual (page 
57), but that's about it. The web has more detailed info that can be uncovered. 

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