> That explains why I had a lot pf purple/magenta fringing on a Soligor
> telephoto/macro lens a couple of years ago. It was fine until you cranked
> the macro all the way down, and then it would flare terribly with anything
> red or beyond. I had to retire that lens because of that problem.
My apologies to the gang on this topic. I've got loads of opinions (of
course), testing information and research on this subject of
purple-fringing, LED lighting and film/sensor comparitives.
Unfortunately, for the next day or two, I'm getting my own spectral
response pounded into dirt with a work project.
In a nutshell, I'll just say that film and sensors do not respond the
same way, and LED lighting is a massive issue. It is so massive that
the chip manufacturers have been working extremely had at addressing
it. They don't really care about the still photographers, but video.
You'll notice that adoption of LED lighting in broadcast studios has
been slow on the uptake...
Ken Norton
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