Thanks for the feedback Larry. I'll be aware. Not sure how separate ST
is from TF. I bought a CDMA phone package from Tracfone when I signed up
a couple of years ago. So no SIM. CDMA was the best option around here
for coverage area back then. I have had zero problems, knock, knock.
Calls to tech support have been painless. I believe that there are
several other cheap phone plans marketed for "emergency" use mostly to
geezers through AARP etc. "Buy one for Grandpa". Worth a look. Hey, if
it meets my needs I don't care.
I'm sure I can try Tracfone on a cheap card with no long term commitments.
My experience was starting with their phone but I see that they have
plans if you supply the phone. The key is the price of the minutes. Get
the triple minute deals.
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