Some comments Chuck:
-Still not addressing your original question but... Given your current
use pattern, just for emergency use and assuming 160+ avg min/mo. 2
Tracfones or similar plans would save you $600/yr or more...even
assuming that you purchase new phones. Price of a new lens :)
-FWIW My land line phones allow one to pair a cell phone to the base
(like to a BT headset) so that both the land line and cell number will
ring on all. One can leave the cell on the charger near the base unit.
Of no use to me since I don't get a signal but my cell phone will link.
Probably a feature for which you would have limited use but does address
the hard to hear ringer among other things.
And then:
I don't work for 19CL anymore. Rail away.
OK, here goes. Voice quality on my wire is so bad that on occasion it is
difficult to have a conversation. Sometimes I can hang up, redial and
get a better connection, sometimes not. Phil the tech is unable to
improve the signal within his universe which extends to the switches in
town. Voice quality on the cell where I do get a signal is much superior.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: