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Re: [OM] [OT] Any suggestions for a VOIP provider?

Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] Any suggestions for a VOIP provider?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:54:37 -0500
Thanks Charlie and Ken. I'll pick a supplier where I have no long term contract and can bail out if needed.

Chuck Norcutt

On 12/3/2014 9:39 AM, Charles Geilfuss wrote:
Can't help with a VOIP provider, Chuck, but I can offer an opinion about
it. We recently switched to all-VOIP at the hospital and, in a word, it
sucks pond water. In-house calls are fine; outside calls to a land line are
mediocre but tolerable; calls to a cell phone are execrable. I typically
tell them to hang up and call me on a land line. The sound quality is like
listening to two Cyclons at the same time. Alexander Graham's first call
was probably better quality.


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 2:04 PM, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posting again.  This one never made after being sent 3 hours ago.

Chuck Norcutt

On 12/2/2014 10:41 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:

Where I'm living now in South Carolina I get phone, internet and cable
as part of a bundled deal with the homeowner's association.  I can't
choose not to have it.  The provider is HTC (the Horry Telephone
Company).  Without paying extra, the internet speed and cable service
channels are limited but are, so far, good enough for my needs.  But the
phone service is limited to very local calls without paying 10
cents/minute for long distance within the US.  And I can't call some
friends in Canada at all without paying I don't know how much.  And,
just like the old Ma Bell of old, HTC believes I should pay an extra
$1-5/month for numerous services which I used to get "free" when my
phone service was from Time Warner or other cable providers.

It's time for an additional long distance provider to include calls to
Canada.  Can anybody recommend a VOIP provider or even a non-VOIP

Chuck Norcutt

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