Yes, I also have ebay lens hoods. What I have works fine and I think
the Chinese uWinka brand hoods I have for the 12-50 and 14-150 are quite
well made. I know the 12-50 & 9-18 use the same hood but I bought
another uWinka for the 9-18 since I always keep the hoods reversed on
the lens when not in use. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a
uWinka for the 70-300 but what I bought looks fairly sturdy in the ebay ads.
Chuck Norcutt
On 11/28/2014 12:36 PM, Mike Lazzari wrote:
Chuck, the hood from the 12-50 is actually designed for the 9-18. It
doesn't provide as much coverage on the 12-50 as would a dedicated hood
for that lens. I have a $10 ebay one that works perfectly fine and I
will switch back and forth since the two lenses won't be carried at the
same time. Olympus is _really_ lame not to include a piece of plastic
that would cost them pennies to provide with a $650 lens. I almost went
for the same deal as you but instead took a chance on ebay. Mine will be
here today or tomorrow.
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