As I wrote a couple of days ago, does a good job of shutting down
spammers by sending messages to the originating servers.
> On 29 Oct 2014, at 15:47, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> My mail server offers spam filtering but I don't make use of it since I'd
> have to log on to the server to check what it's doing. I prefer to download
> the mail and let Thunderbird do the spam filtering. It was pretty efficient
> at doing that until the latest round of very different spam started arriving.
> I probably get 20 or more spam messages/day but Thunderbird (at the moment)
> is only catching about 50%. But it does get better as it learns about the
> new crop.
> I assume a server-side spam filter could be much more efficient since it
> would have experience of all spam messages it sees rather than just that of
> one individual. But I find filtering the residual myself is less bothersome
> than logging on to the server directly.
> I suppose I could use my gmail account but I don't since Google knows too
> much about me as it is.
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