The driving distance from Albany to Buffalo is near 300 miles. The NY
Thruway pretty much parallels the Erie Canal most of the way. It's a
4-1/2 hour drive by car. It would take a long time to travel it by
canal boat.
Photoshop. There may be an easier way to do it but, if I was to do as
you just suggested (assuming the images are the same size and not
cropped differently), I would
1) open the non-HDR image
2) open the HDR image
3) use the move tool and drag the HDR image over the top of the other.
4) that will create another layer with the HDR image on top
5) click the mask icon [rectangle with circle] at the bottom of the
layers panel. That will add a mask which will remain selected
(instead of the image) until you change it (but don't)
6) Select black paint
7) use the bucket tool to dump a bucket of black paint on the mask
8) the black paint will make the mask transparent. You're now looking
*through* the top HDR image to the non-HDR image below
9) Switch to white paint and choose a paint brush with hard edges
10) Magnify the image substantially to allow careful work along edges
11) Start painting over the barn with the white paint. Wherever you
paint with white you will reveal that part of the HDR image.
12) Start with a large brush to cover a large area and then reduce the
size of the brush to handle finer details. If you make a mistake
just switch to black to erase the mistake and then back to white to
13) Check to make sure there is no obvious discontinuity in brightness
between the two layers along the edges of barn and background...
Not that I have a solution if there is.
14) Right click the menu icon at the upper right of the layers panel
and choose "flatten image". That will merge the two layers into one.
15) Good luck
Moose probably has some magic method to make a selection mask from and
for the barn but I don't. There are several books about 4 feet away
from me telling me how to play such tricks but I haven't read them. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 10/7/2014 11:29 AM, Paul Braun wrote:
You're absolutely right, Chuck. I think this is where I break out the
tutorials on PS and layers and try to separate the building and brighten it
up. No reason for the different crops aside from the two images were
cropped separately.
The ride on the I&M is only 30 minutes up and 30 minutes back through some
very beautiful and peaceful scenery. I really wish they'd open it up for
several more miles to make the trip longer. I also wish they'd restore a
lock to functionality so you could also get the full experience of locking
Thanks for looking!
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Maybe the reason you can't make up your mind is that I think the best
version would be somewhere in between. The non-HDR building is too dark
but allows the sky greater prominence. The HDR building is brighter but
tends to steal attention from the sky. Maybe somewhere in between is the
right mix. But If I was forced to choose one or the other I'd choose the
HDR version. BTW, what accounts for the different crops?
Some friends recently asked us if we were interested in taking a boat tour
on the Erie Canal. Our response was no. Much of the canal parallels the
New York State Thruway which is on relatively flat and rather boring (for
New York) terrain. We frequently drive much of the Thruway and have for
very many years. We decided that a boat tour on the Erie Canal would be
tantamount to crossing much of the same rather boring terrain but at an
extremely slow and doubly boring pace. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 10/7/2014 5:30 AM, Wayne Harridge wrote:
Non-HDR works for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: olympus
] On Behalf Of Paul Braun
Sent: Tuesday, 7 October 2014 2:30 AM
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: [OM] Paul's PAW - along the I&M canal
Sheri and I went to LaSalle, IL yesterday to ride the replica passenger
packet boat on a section of restored Illinois & Michigan Canal. (Those
photos to come later).
On the way home, we stopped in Seneca, IL just before sunset so I could
a photo of the M. J. Hogan grain elevator, one of the oldest original
structures along the I&M. It was opened in 1862, and is still standing.
Back in its heyday, it could move 750,000 bushels of grain in a season.
I know there are canals everywhere, but the I&M is part of my heritage as
native Chicagoan. Prior to the I&M, Chicago was a small trading post on
lake. Any goods that needed to get to or from Chicago had to be carried
land through some pretty rough terrain, so it wasn't that popular of an
option. The Canal allowed the movement of commodities from the East coast,
throught the Great Lakes, along the I&M to the Illinois River, then to the
Mississippi and down to the Gulf. Suddenly, Chicago became a center of
Unlike the Erie, which has been modified, enlarged, and rebuilt over the
years, the I&M was officially abandoned in 1933 when the newer Illinois
Waterway system was opened. Parts have been restored as a park, parts were
filled in, parts are just dry and/or overgrown with weeds. For me, it's
finding an abandoned old highway overgrown with trees and weeds. Most
don't even know it's there - for example, here in Seneca, it just looks
a drainage ditch. The majority of people who drive over it have no clue
it was once a superhighway through Illinois. I like to try and keep the
history alive in tribute to the thousands of men, mostly Irish, who worked
to dig all 96 miles of it by hand, many of whom died in the process
(although nobody kept any records to indicate who died).
I shot a bunch on the tripod, then packed it up and walked across the
to shoot a view of the overgrown prism (official terminology for the canal
bed, since a cross-section was prism-shaped) looking the other way.
As I crossed back, I looked up and suddenly a bit of sun had broken
the heavy clouds and there were pink highlights... damn! I ran back to
I was before, extending tripod legs as I ran, plugged the cable release
in, and shot a 7-shot bracketed burst about 10 seconds before the pink
disappeared. I had less than one minute to grab that shot.
I've posted two versions - one that's a single frame, tweaked a bit in LR
saturate the pink a bit more and to de-saturate the green a touch. The
other one was processed in HDR Efex 2 at a lighter setting. I'm not 100%
sure which one I like. There seems to be some slight haloing in the HDR
- maybe if I tried again and left the brightest frame out of the mix...
Lemmeno whatchu think.
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