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Re: [OM] OM to M 4/3 adapters (MF-2 and equivalents)

Subject: Re: [OM] OM to M 4/3 adapters (MF-2 and equivalents)
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 20:49:41 -0700
On 9/25/2014 2:40 PM, Marten Beels wrote:

I found some discussion of the MF-2 adapter in the archives, but was wondering if anyone had experiences with some of the off-brand (non-Olympus) adapters.

The genuine Olympus MF-2 seems to be going for $160+, and there are off-brand options available for ~$40. Do they fit well? Are the materials and finish sub-par? Do they work? It is hard to justify 4x the cost when it is just a carefully sized piece of metal and plastic.

I have read that front and back mounts must be very accurately parallel, perhaps especially for WA lenses? In Mike Hattem's obsessive tests of various MF lenses on FF Canons, including the 21/2.0 and 21/3.5 Zuikos, he found that very small errors made a difference - pixel peeping at 100%.

Whether that's a problem with any specific versions, and how noticeable any 
effect may be, I don't know.

Oly was running some good rebates a couple of years ago, when I was deciding to go with an E-M5. One was a rebate of full price of an MF-2 bought with the E-M5, so that's all I have used.

Adapted Moose

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