Brian wrote:
I'm wondering if any of you can throw light on this.
Last night at about 11:30 while most of the family were asleep a call
came in on the landline.
It was a very clear and distinct woman's
voice, which could have been computer-generated.
It said something
like " thank you for answering / confirming. Your code is 64 0790 ( or
64790)" then hung up.
64 is our country code but nothing else of that
makes sense.
Any clues? I will be asking our local telco also.
Well, I didn't believe in random acts of kindness or
malevolence in this case, and decided to take firm action to get to the
bottom of this.
I contacted our telco and eventually got to their
investigation unit. Since there had been no law broken, all they would
tell me was the precise time the call came in, (11:38, in this case) and
that it had originated within my own country.
Case still open as far
as I am concerned. I was not hallucinating.
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