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Re: [OM] Old 75-150 or 60-120mm on m43?

Subject: Re: [OM] Old 75-150 or 60-120mm on m43?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 2014 13:51:23 -0400
Thanks for the tests Bob. All I know is that I liked the results and especially how light and handy the lens is. I wish it was wider (12mm) but panos work for most cases and for those situations a 12mm probably wouldn't be wide enough either.

Chuck Norcutt

On 9/6/2014 11:05 AM, Bob Benson wrote:
Chuck said:

I'm not one who underestimates the m.Zuiko 14-150.  It's my standard

walk-around lens.  In all my years of shooting film or even digital on

my Canon 5D I've never regularly carried a lens of more than 200mm

because of size and weight.  It's wonderful to have 28-300 equivalent in

a single, very small and lightweight lens.  That said, I do love my

12-50 and it's "macro" capability.

I recently got interested in comparing the 14-150 with the 75 and 45 prime.
I shot a grass/tree/street scene with all three on tripod, and compared
sharpness and (to my unprofessional eye) color/contrast.   I was not
rigorous in controlling aperture so generally had mid-range (4.5 to 11) but
not consistent across the lenses.  Like I say, was simply interested in
roughly how they compared.  Did the test with an M1 and an EPL3.  I did do
the zooms with three ranges (e.g., 14, 90, 150).  I looked at the center of
the image, adjusting all images to the same view coverage (e.g., a 14 image
was cropped immensely, while the 150 image not so much (perhaps 10% of the

Hugely non-scientific.

Long story short, the 14-150 really showed well.  Not quite as sharp as the
75 prime . but very impressive, had to work to see any difference.

Like Chuck, I now use it as the walk-around,  and have had the opportunity
to make up to 30x40 prints with very good results.


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