Charlie wrote;
Glad it went well, Brian. In these parts, the
first procedure is called a
Root Canal. I've had two so far and, despite
my initial fears, found them
to be benign procedures with the exception
of a bit of jaw hyperextension
when he jammed that glue gun of gutta
percha down the hole he had made in
my cracked molar tooth. Your
description of creating a crown from a virtual
image was very
interesting and I had never heard of the procedure done that
way. Mine
was done years ago simply from an impression of the original
tooth that
was sent off to another lab for fabrication of the crown. On the
of my dentist, I opted for a gold crown. He has never seen one fail
25 years of practice; the ceramics look more natural but they can
when used as molars, so no more cracking nuts with those back
Thanks for your comments, Charlie,
but this was not a root canal job.
The root canals had all been drilled
/ filed out prior, to remove all infection.
Root canals are one of the
means of entry of anaerobic decay bacteria to the zone between the tooth
and the jaw bone.
To use a house on wooden tree-trunk piles as an
analogy, the roots are the piles, and the original pith ( very core) of
the tree trunk has enabled rot to descend down. Root canals are not
round like a pipe, but crescent-shaped, and also are not very straight
but deviate and curve or branch towards the bottom. Root canal jobs
drill / file these crescent-shaped conduits as well as possible to
remove all decayed tooth matter, then antibiotics which will last 5
weeks max, are inserted. them the top is covered over. So in the house
analogy, we are back up to floor level.
The false tooth core is built
up from floor level, firmly attached to the floor.
Because the root
canals are not straight, are often heavily concealed through tooth
self-repair and other reasons, the rate of success in root-canal
cleansing is about only 65%. A bit of a worry.
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