Same here in Oz, exporting sh*t loads of raw materials and getting everything
manufactured in China, etc. Barista seems to be the standard career path here !
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: Olympus Discussion Group <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [OM] Slightly OT: Manufacturing in Amerca
> Sent: 16 Aug '14 01:12
> We don't manufacture much in the way of consumer goods here in the
> US. The last consumer radio was made in 1968, possibly by General
> Electric. Motorola sold its Quasar television sector to Japanese investors
> in the late 70s, taking it in the shorts because they did not understand the
> Japanese quality standards in the contract.
> Kodak has stoped making consumer digital cameras, even though they
> partnered with Olympus to develop the 8M imaging element that found its way
> in the E-500 (so I understand).
> Earlier this year, General Electic (?) sold its railway signaling
> division to Alstrom, the same people who make the power units for the French
> (and Korean, and Spanish) TGV trains as well as for the Amtrak Acella that
> literally crawls through the Washington to Boston corridor at an
> embarassingly slow 65MPH.
> Now, the local evening news has it that General Electric is in
> negotiations to sell its appliance division to AB Electrolux of Sweden. It
> was fairly recent that Chris Crawford posted a lot of photos of the empty GE
> plant in Fort Wayne.
> We can't survive economically if we're buying all consumer goods from
> outside the country.
> Will the last design engineer in America please turn off the lights?
> Chris Trask
> Senior Member IEEE
> --
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