Don Holbrook recently posted:
Still learning the M-1.......OM bellows w/50-3.5@11, custom wb, live view
magnify for manual focus, 2 sec delay, mayfly off front door, 1/4" body.
Not a good specimen, but useful for this purpose."
So I pull out my hardcover copy of Don's "Midge Magic" book and look
at Don's macro set-up on page 23: OM 2N, bellows, the older (manual
diaphragm) 38 and 20 OM macro lenses, and two T32s. Great to see you're
trying out a new twist here, Don! Keep posting some results for us. It
would be interesting to see what the 38 and 20 lenses can do, too. If you
look closely at the mayfly that Don shot with the M-1, you'll see that the
DOF is--what--2 mm? Not trying to sound derogatory here, but I wonder if
the "shoot a view of a distant mountain" folks appreciate that DOF isn't
always twenty miles or more. Nice work, Don! Keep learning, and sharing.