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Re: [OM] Peter Eastway and Phase One

Subject: Re: [OM] Peter Eastway and Phase One
From: bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:19:27 +1200

Piers wrote 

I don't wholly agree with Chuck that Eastway's work is
overcooked HDR stuff
(in fact, he himself says: " I am not a big fan of
HDR (High Dynamic Range)
photographs, but I gave an HDR photograph first
place in a competition not
so long ago. Personally, subjectively, I
didn't like the photograph much,
but as an example of its kind, it was
superlative.") I confess that I didn't
much look at the portfolios, paid
more attention to the written material. As
a result, I do agree with
you, Brian, that there are things to take on
board, because some of his
examples seem to echo the comments you have
received here regarding your
own images :-)
How about this
think it is indeed overcooked, but I think (hope!) you might recognise
the original raw overexposure of highlights which has been recovered

But I did take a quick look at his Scotland portfolio
(well where else do
you think I would look?) and was a little surprised
to be able to recognise
one scene from the thumbnail! Again, overcooked,
but well framed, even if it
is a well-trodden route for photographers.
My own take on the scene is from
a different angle - largely to avoid
getting other photographers who
"chance" to be there in the
http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=14101 [2]

There is a
lot less headroom in E-1 files compared to later models - but
surprising how much more there was to be had using the latest
processing model. Thankfully!

Piers, I did read
where he painted the colour in (waterfall photo) with some kind on pen
in a WACOM tablet. I have neither.
I do seem to have reduced sensitivity
to blown highlights, compared with some persons in this group. If
there's a white sky above a vitally important subject that hogs all the
attention - then I don't even SEE the sky.
A bunch of leaves behaving
like mitrrors in a forest shot are something else though.
Tell me, was
the roof of that remote Scots little house actually that shade of
shocking red? Or is it overcooked. ?

I actually think that Eastway's
colour modification, which seem to be sensitively done, are likely to
attract buyers if applied judiciously to local iconic shots.

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