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Re: [OM] Racist Graffiti in Fort Wayne

Subject: Re: [OM] Racist Graffiti in Fort Wayne
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:26:04 -0500
> Saddens me that we still have that sort of mentality in 2014.

It also saddens me to see half the world's population (women) treated
like dirt because they happened to keep that second X in their
chromosome. And how about automatic death sentences because you happen
to be of a different variant of the same religion? Yes, the USA has
some bigotry problems, but I think I'd rather choose our problems over
some of the problems in other countries. Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands,
etc., have it all figured out and have no issues, but that's not true

> Regardless of what you think about his policies (and I'm not starting a
> political debate here), I'm convinced that a large percentage of the pure
> hatred and vitriol being heaped upon Obama is due to his skin color.

To the point of Obama's haters being racists, is an
oversimplification. I would certainly agree that there are racists
that hate Obama because of race, to dismiss all who disagree with him
as racists or even lump them together is wrong.

That would be like saying that Bush haters hate him because he's rich.

Ken Norton
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