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Re: [OM] The Adobe tax

Subject: Re: [OM] The Adobe tax
From: Scott Gomez <sgomez.baja@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2014 09:31:08 -0700
Does LR allow for multi-file keyword application? I don't use it, but
Digikam, in the Linux world, performs a similar function. I file photos in
a directory (folder) structure simply by date. There's a 2014 directory,
within which are directories numbered 1-12, and within each month
directory, only those days for which I have photos are represented, by
their number within the month.

On "import" to Digikam, the software adds to it's catalog database. I then
select all files with a similar subject matter, and assign keywords.
Digikam maintains a keyword list of existing keywords, displayed in a
window pane at the right of the screen, and I just have to check the boxes
for appropriate keywords (assuming no new keyword is needed). The method
allows assignment of keywords rapidly to a large number of photos, and
there's an ability to assign a new keyword to a selection of photos with
only a couple of extra clicks.

Side note: Much of this approach, in both LR and Digikam, I imagine comes
from the idea in current computer use, that it's more efficient to create a
searchable key word set than to attempt to maintain a complex folder
structure over time. You can see this in Gmail, for example, which although
it allows for folders, really doesn't encourage them. It's far easier to
search the contents of one's email via the search function provided than to
try to remember the location in a potentially large folder structure where
one filed a message thread.

Simpler for indexed text than for pictures, to be sure, but I've found that
Digikam's approach means only a couple of extra minutes per import.  With
thoughtful multiple keyword creation or assignment on import, it has
allowed me to find a old photo much faster when I can search via location,
or date, or subjects, and etc. using whatever I can remember of the photo.

On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> When I imported all my files into LR a few years ago, it kept my folder
> structure intact, though as the import proceeded, it looked like everything
> was going to one place. Over to the left you can  go back and forth between
> Catalogue and Folders. In Catalogue it looks like I have a mess. In Folders
> all of the original structure is there.
> —Bob Whitmire
> Certified Neanderthal
> On Jul 4, 2014, at 9:16 AM, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > I actually own both CS6 and LR5.  In fact I've owned many versions of LR
> over the years but never started one up in earnest (let it create a
> library) until last night.  I handed it the top level folder for my
> existing images (a by date folder structure) and let it run for 3 hours. I
> really have no clue what it did except that it appears to have created a
> "collection" of some 65,000 images with no differentiation that I can see.
>  My original date structure seems to be inaccessible.  I hope that's not
> what I have to use in the future.
> --
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