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Re: [OM] Apple stops development of Aperture

Subject: Re: [OM] Apple stops development of Aperture
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 22:08:13 -0700
On 6/27/2014 9:54 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
Undermined, by Apple rather than screwed, Moose.

A fine distinction, I think. So the rule is:

Loss of money and of time spent becoming competent to expert when Apple drops a 
product = Undermined.

Loss of money and of time spent becoming competent to expert when Adobe (or 
MS?) drops a product = Screwed.

Correct? :-)

But also, Adobe's applications operate in a strange and irritating way, for my 

And for mine, I agree about LR, and disagree about PS. But then, I've never operated Aperture. PS, LR, PhaseOne, DXO, SilkyPix, Canon DPP, Oly Viewer, RawTherapee, PaintShop Pro, and who knows what else, but I've not a Mac, so not Aperture.

I do have iPhoto on my iPad; any points for that? :-)

Depraved by Deprivation Moose

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