There have been several posts and threads recently about bird shots, IBIS, long teles, telephoto speed, vacation lenses
and so on. I'm responding to the first here, and will likely be nattering on in specific reply to others.
Here are the images for all so far. All taken with the Oly 75-300, on GX7:
California Jay
Probable first winter Golden Crowned Sparrow.
Fern fiddle head I
Fern fiddle head II
On 4/29/2014 6:57 PM, Moose wrote:
... While wandering back, looking for something else, I came across
this dove shot from January.
On 4/30/2014 6:30 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
Very sharp and excellent bokeh. Was this taken with the m.Zuiko 75-300?
Indeed it was.
It's a fine lens. The first two images in the gallery Red! that I posted are also taken with it. The azalea shot
looks intimate, but was in fact, high up and distant.
It suffers from the usual limitations of a really long lens, the combination of shallow DOF, sometimes imperfect
focus and issues of camera and subject movement. All of those combine to lead one to stop it down, with the attendant
loss of fine detail to higher ISOs and diffraction.
Nevertheless, when used with technique appropriate to a long lens, it is
capable of excellent results.
Long Look Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: