OK, wait a cotton pickin minute.
There are TWO separate issues when it comes to the subject of bad
bokeh and aspherical lenses.
1. Onion ring pattern WITHIN the out-of-focus highlights,
2. Onion ring rimming pattern on the edge of the out-of-focus highlights.
This whole article about Panasonic's magic juice looks to be all about
the first issue. This surprises me in a way, because I thought that
companies like Olympus and Leica have largely addressed that problem
years ago with their own proprietary processes. Furthermore, there are
all sorts of machining technologies out there that have made this
pretty much a 1994 problem, not a 2014 problem. I think that Panasonic
is playing catchup, here.
The second issue, about the rimming pattern (donuts) around
highlights, with the common trait of double-edging straight lines is
not addressed by the machining process at all. This is an inherent
issue of using aspherical elements in places inside the entire lens
complex that causes these issues. This is overall lens formula or lens
So, this article, which is basically a press release for Panasonic,
fails to address what I believe is the greater evil.
Ken Norton
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