Thanks, Moose and Ken.
All good points. Re. chromagenic B&W, I like it in sunshine. I
generally don't like it in available light, because it goes dirty-ugly
at the slightest underexposure. And I live in a place where sunshine is
not abundant except in summer. I've got some T400CN left in the
freezer, so I probably will use it one of these days--summer's coming.
Years ago, I used to have a Nikon 2700 dpi scanner. For some reason, B&W
film scanned with it had bigger aliased grain than the FS-4000 at 2000
dpi. The trick is to make sure your grains and your pixels aren't
almost--but not quite--the same size. If they are, ugly things happen,
and the ghost of Dr. Nyquist rises from the bit bucket, points an
accusing finger and says, "I told you so!"
Ken, the "scan the work print" method you mention is how several
well-known pros do it. (I believe Salgado, and Ralph Gibson before he
got his Leica Monochrom). In addition to taking grain aliasing out of
the picture, it often gets the dynamic range into the right ballpark
with minimum fuss.
I wrote, and several others responded thereto:
> I've embarked on an experiment to see whether I want to shoot B&W film
> again. The "Nurse" picture I recently posted was the beginning of that
> experiment.
> <>
> Here are a few things I've noticed while "recalibrating"
> myself--otherwise known as "how the heck did I do this back in '06?"
> Here's a side by side of the same Tri-X shot, scanned at 4000 dpi (left)
> and 2000 dpi (right). The negative was developed in Xtol 1:2 by
> Moonphoto, a good B&W lab a few miles from my home. The scanner is a
> Canon FS-4000, running under VueScan. Click the double rectangle above
> the picture to see it full size.
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