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Re: [OM] Remember these photos? Sold in 3 days!!

Subject: Re: [OM] Remember these photos? Sold in 3 days!!
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 13:20:19 -0400
I had the right knee done about 4 years ago which did take about 3 months for full recovery. This time it will only be 1/2 knee since I still have some cartilage in the left knee. The surgeon say it will only be half the pain and recovery time. My physical therapist says he's a bit too optimistic and that I should plan on 3/4 the recovery time.

As to the disappearing lens, when we first returned from Florida there were two other lenses and a camera missing. These have since shown up as exactly where I put them... the result of storing them in non-normal places due to a clean-up exercise readying the house for sale. My wife says the Tamron 20-40 and the LowePro case will still show up the same way. I have my doubts since both are large enough not to be lost easily and I have already found the other missing objects (in my second search of the house which covered everywhere, not just the likely places) :-)

Chuck Norcutt

On 4/27/2014 12:48 PM, JOHN DUGGAN wrote:
Chuck, My brother in law in Colorado Springs had 2 knee replacements
last year -six months apart. He is 81 and recovery time for each was
about 3 months. He is 81 :-)    Before - to use the welsh term - he
could not catch a pig in a passage! His legs were bowed to an amazing
degree, he had major difficulty walking, and his gait was rather like
Charlie Chaplin. This also gave him lower back problems. Since
surgery he is standing straight, walking well and his back issues are
much improved. My sister says he now stands almost 2 inches taller!
We will be visiting in 3months, so will be good to see them both.

Regarding the disappearing and reappearing lens I fear this sort of
incidence is common in our household! Things disappear at will - and
after an extensive search appear where I FIRST looked. VERY STRANGE.
The biggest problem is items that I take particular care to store
"somewhere safe" they can be lost for years (if they ever reappear!)

Regards John Duggan, Wales, UK
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