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Re: [OM] Suggestions for MFT auto extension tubes?

Subject: Re: [OM] Suggestions for MFT auto extension tubes?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 08:57:52 -0400
I have Meike tubes but there are two versions at different prices. I own model MK-P-AF3A ($56) shown here . The tube bodies are plastic but the mounts are metal. The color is satin finish aluminum but, if it's aluminum, it's very hard. But it's not the chrome plated brass that you see on many lens adapters.

Then there is also the much cheaper ($29) model MK-P-AF3B shown here
Perhaps these are the plastic mounts that Moose refers to.

I was surprised at Moose's comment that he could see a sliver of light at the mount when subjected to a heavy load. So I tried that myself. I don't have a heavy m4/3 lens like the 75-300 so I added an OM-m4/3 adapter and installed the Vivitar 90/2.5 macro and the Zuiko 85-250/5. With he OM adapter they were all hanging way out there... enough so that I was slightly uncomfortable letting them hang out there with no support underneath. I stepped into a semi-darkened closet and a small, LED flashlight into the lenses. I couldn't see any sliver of light at the mounts.

I'm pretty sure I ordered these tubes from Amazon but don't remember paying as much as $56 for them. I can't find the purchase docs which means they're probably on the the old XP laptop which isn't up and running right now.

Chuck Norcutt

On 4/27/2014 1:05 AM, Moose wrote:
Depending on what you plan to do with them, the plastic ones I have may
be fine. The are sold as Blue Sky, Neewer, Meike and ??? They fit and
work well, I've had zero operating problems.

The only negative I've come across is that the mount flexes, very, very
slightly, under a heavy load. When the 75-300 is mounted and held
horizontally, I can see a thin sliver of light at the top of the mount.
Not a real problem in practical, hand held use, as my left hand is on
the lens. On a tripod, I'd be using a different lens/set-up.

If you are looking for something for the kit lens of the GM1, 20/1.7
and/or Panny 45-150, they would be excellent. And, they are less money,
so when lost like a lens cap ...

Between my working Blue Sky set of tubes and the Oly 60/2.8 macro lens,
I'm turning the task of buying and testing all the others all over to
someone else. :-)

Extended Moose
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