I couldn't. If I'm watching a film and the basis of it is bollox I will watch
no longer.
It was bad enough to watch Tom Cruise in Top Gun talking on the radio with his
mask hanging away from his face, or to listen to the delectable lady wondering
at the fantastic "negative g dive", but I couldn't watch that film in which
some supposed pilot is doing impossible things with a B747.
Mind you, my students used to watch Top Gun or Reach for the Sky any time the
weather was bad, so I started to get used to the bollox in the former. And my
daughter-in-law knows every bit of the dialogue of the former, so it's normally
counter-productive (and churlish) to whinge about the impossibility of this or
that manoeuvre.
On 20 Apr 14, at 17:45, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I saw the movie "Gravity" last week and got to see the inards of the
>> Soyuz capsule for the first time. Interesting, especially the final moment
>> of landing , and it has withstood the test of time.
> We watched it Friday night.
> Nice scenery. :)
> As long as you park your brain cells that govern knowledge of orbits
> it's an enjoyable movie.
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