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Re: [OM] Youth Fine Arts Competition and Concert

Subject: Re: [OM] Youth Fine Arts Competition and Concert
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2014 16:26:52 -0500
> I have never tried that trick.  Now you've made me want to go and do it.

Go from Wide to Tele. If you momentarily pause at the start of the
exposure, you'll get a clearer scene with streaks. Otherwise, if you
are zooming throughout the entire exposure, it's just a streaky mess.
This is a low-success type of photo and even if you THINK you nailed
it (chimping the results), keep shooting more because once you get it
into the computer you'll see something amiss. I shot somewhere around
fifty of them and got a half-dozen good ones. 1:10 success seems about

Ken Norton
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