You may well be right but the alternative is for many to meet death in
some other form much sooner and with a more reliable prediction. If
Malthusians keep predicting the same thing forever they may eventually
get it right. I think I'll stick with my optimism since the Malthusians
have consistently been proven wrong by human ingenuity... so far.
Chuck Norcutt
On 3/23/2014 10:13 AM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> I tend to agree, Chuck, up to a point. But I think what we’re running up
> against is sheer numbers. To this point, technology has allowed us to produce
> more to sustain more people to the point where some of us now can see that
> the way we’re doing it won’t sustain us forever. Without serious efforts at
> population control globally, this problem is not going to go away. The better
> our technology, the more people we’ll be able to sustain, until we finally,
> inevitably, run into, what for lack of a better term, I call the Malthusian
> Wall.
> Alas, I truly believe something will intervene before that happens. Think
> Black Death, only much swifter and more virulent.
> --Bob Whitmire
> Certified Neanderthal
> On Mar 23, 2014, at 7:48 AM, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I'm an optimist and believe that technology will eventually provide us
>> with plenty of clean and safe power, possibly in the form of thorium
>> powered nuclear reactors or, better, something I can't even imagine
>> today. But in order to get to the long term we have to survive the
>> short term.
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