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Re: [OM] Chuck's pictures from the Third Annual Florida Zuikofest

Subject: Re: [OM] Chuck's pictures from the Third Annual Florida Zuikofest
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 19:18:42 -0700
On 3/22/2014 2:25 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> AFAIK I had the macro setting engaged much of the time.  But maybe not.

Not on any of those posted. As Mike says, Macro is fixed 43 mm FL. You need to 
press the Macro button and move the zoom 
ring all the way forward. The button doesn't engage macro; it's there to 
prevent accidental switching to macro.

>    I didn't have the instruction sheet with me and am not sure I was
> using it properly.  I would also often get startled by reaching for the
> macro ring only to touch the MF ring and have the magnification jump
> suddenly to 5X.

Yeah, I ended up turning that off. I have focus enlargement on a button, 

> As I said, I'm not much of a macro shooter.  I don't
> have the patience and persistence that Dean has.

I suspect few of us do; certainly not I. Yet I get a lot of good to excellent 
macro shots. The right gear and a bit of 
practice ... But I don't get flash involved, that makes it all much more 
complicated. In good light like you had there, 
pick shutter speed for the subject, means of holding, the aperture you want for 
DOF vs. diffraction and let ISO take 
care of the rest.

When it's just for fun, not something serious, macro can be relaxed and 

Getting Close Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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