So, apart from the 60/2.8 macro, where is the modern Oly version of all
this old gear? :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 3/22/2014 4:58 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
> DH writes:
>>> Flash was provided by the T28 twin macro
>>> flashes mounted on the Lepp II twin macro flash bracket. snip
>>> Other photo ops were with some small roadside flowers and then,
> near
>>> the shore of Lake Annie, of damselflies. Results will be posted as
>>> available. Chuck had a chance to see Dean's butterfly rig in action:
>>> Tammy 60-300 on the 65-116 tube, all on a Bogen Super Clamp clamped
> to a
>>> Bogen monopod, with a T32 on the end of a Bogen Magic Arm providing
> oblique
>>> light (hope you're reading this, Mike Gordon). Chuck will supply a
> shot of
>>> the set up.
> Yes, yes I have paid attention:
> Off axis main light with some fill to optimize capture of wing texture.
> Obtained Lepp II bracket at Dean's recommendation.
> First use of bracket here with Viv s1 90mm:
> Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: