I don't think that this poster would have been aimed at elections, Ken. I'm
pretty sure that the Jordanian monarchy didn't bother with such devices for
On 4 Mar 14, at 16:28, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Nice. Another one of those huge ego posters....
> Politicians are always thinking about the next election. That's "job
> one". Even in dictatorships, the attitude is that they have to be
> constantly selling themselves to the population, to keep from losing
> control/power. In reality, most of these dictator-leaders are there,
> just barely, anyway. Almost without exception, they got there by
> muscling there way through and sleeping with the right families or
> livestock. Then they stay in power primarily through muscle. A good
> tell-tail is the the more posters/signs/statues they have, the more
> insecure they are--and usually for good reason.
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