This passage,
freelancers and contractors. It is not possible to present the official figures
of the entire translation staff outside and within the EU, as competitions are
constantly being organized and especially with corporate contractors there
would be no way to collect the number of translators, working part- or
full-time on EU translation.
looks like a load of rubbish and sums up the EU’s governance: they don’t know
how much is being spent on a major part of the operation?
On 28 Feb 2014, at 12:15, philippe.amard <philippe.amard@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Translation/interpretation from one of the languages to the 23 others,
> accounts for nice share of the budget.
> The horizontal slits you can see here and circle the place are the
> translators' nooks.
> Well, when on earth will they all decide that French is THE
> language? ;-)
> OTT : We were also explained that it costs less to move all stuff and
> staff needed to and fro between Brussels and Strasbourg than having
> duplicates ;-)
> Not that green though ...
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