Win7 Pro includes an XP emulation (IIRC, never needed it)
On 24 February 2014 13:32, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >> XP will get progressively less safe every month. It's mainly
> >> corrupt/corrupted websites, and emails (apparently from friends)
> >> which are the danger. XP would be very safe with no internet
> >> access.
> >
> >My old laptop is still hanging in there, barely. I'm keeping it around
> >just so I can run a couple of apps, which I haven't been able to get
> >functioning on the newer machines yet. After April, if it is still
> >working, it will go to a non-Internet mode and will strictly be
> >operated locally. Everything else of age has already been migrated
> >over to Ubuntu and is running specific apps.
> >
> I haven't had much trouble with my laptop, except for the occasional
> trojan horse viruses attached to photos from eBay and Facebook. I got this
> from a couple who had asked the local bogus self-proclaimed computer expert
> to look it over for them. He installed Win7 over WinXP and it never worked
> properly after that. Win7 would not work with most of my engineering
> software or PageMaker, and wouldn't allow you to install RealPlayer. After
> a month of frustration I installed Linux on a separate hard drive and
> encountered even more problems. A local legitimate computer expert gave me
> a WinXP intallation disk which upgrades from Win98/SE. So, I installed
> Win98/SE and then the WinXP upgrade and everything has worked fine ever
> since.
> A really nice aspect of WinXP is that you can run any software
> intended for previous operating systems, from DOS to WinXP. Win7 and above
> do not let you do this, and it is therefore worthless. Unless Microsoft
> will foot the bill for suitable versions of my engineering software.
> I still write engineering utilities (now called apps) using Turbo
> Basic. I don't need to be entertained, I just need to crunch numbers. And
> my old Atari 800 can do a better job as it has 10 significant digits
> whether you need them or not.
> Chris
> When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
> - Hunter S. Thompson
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