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Re: [OM] swans

Subject: Re: [OM] swans
From: bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 02:37:01 +1300

SF wrote; 

No, the pic below suggests a thick cut of mature
OMG - you have to eat pickles with it?
That's me out. 


On 15/02/2014, at 5:09 PM, Paul Laughlin wrote: 

A follow up
on the previous post. Here is the URL for a restaurant here in Portland
that does that thing.
I am
not sure just what cut that steak would be. Definitely not a
Porterhouse, though. 


Being a person who
neither buys/drinks beer nor eats uncooked meat as illustrated and also
most commonly unlikely to eat red meat in any large size, it's amazing
how much of the recent dissertations are irrelevant. :-) 

But carry on
anyway. 2-day trip back home from vacation location commences in about 6


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