It’s an old film, John. I think that Don McC looks a little older now.
I should perhaps have made it clear that the TV programme was about a recording
(or several) made decades ago.
On 31 Jan 2014, at 00:23, John Hudson <OM4T@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> To Ken's observations is mine that there is a trailing "P" registered car
> seen on the video which marks the license plate to 1975. How many almost 40
> year old cars are running around in London today which makes me wonder
> whether the film is current or rather dated. Also, if the video is current I
> have to ask whether he is taking rather too much personal risk in being
> physically assaulted given the social neglect all too clearly seen all
> around him. Whatever the brand of camera he is using ...... its looks very
> much like an early OM as Ken opines ....... I think it is a tribute to the
> non-offensive aura of small cameras, whether film or digital, as compared to
> the wunderbricks of today whether they be Olympus E5s or some other lesser
> brand. Perhaps our esteemed lady listee from York, SC could weigh in on the
> benefits of presenting a small non-offensive camera to obtain close up
> people photos compared to using a camera which might take a crane to hoist
> out of the carrying case. Her evidence of the former is more than
> persuasive.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: