Philippe wrote
Just think of the milions of Ansel Andams shots by
visitors to the half-dome ...
Proceed Brian :-)
Le 27 janv. 14 ? 05:10, bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a ?crit :
bothers me a little.
This photo,
Is a close version
of a stunning ( 1.5 x 1 m) print I have seen in local commercial
premises. I know that the photographer who took that shot was very cagey
about telling anybody where is was taken.
I puzzled over it myself for
a long time until I started using my brains and followed clues
within her photo, and after that it didn't take too long.
you stray more than 50 cm from the precise spot needed, you won't 'get'
I know that other people like it and have heard of one woman who
paid $800 for a large print.
Her shot is different from mine in that
some of the central grass is gone and bare earth takes its place, making
it look like a pathway, a vital part of the visual appeal. In addition,
she placed 3 - 4 ponderosa pine cones along the 'edge' of this visual
pathway, and that clinched the appeal. I would probably arrange for that
kind of detail to be in my shots.
Question; is it ethical to closely
mimic her photograph? Aspects of the fine detail of content are
for visual appeal.
Brian Swale
Thanks, Philippe. Andrew's
suggestion of using cones of a different pine species also has merit.
When I was thinking about this, I remembered the only shot of AG's
that I wanted to buy; a sepia photo taken from an overbridge of a maze
of railway tracks in a shunting yard, with reflected morning light.
OK, AG took it, but *anybody* could also do the same shot.
By the
way, Andrew's suggestion of using ready-made gardening trellis as photo
support in a market situation has a lot of merit; so .. , they are
expensive here at $180 each, and a pair would be needed, BUT both sides
could be used ...
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: