First of all, for the Language Police, let me extend our thanks for not using
the phrase "begs the question by whom . . ." I feel there is hope for this
blighted world. <g>
Secondly, there was a piece on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart a while back, at
least I believe that's where I saw it. Had to do with the vote in Colorado to
recall the president (?) of the state senate, who had guided a strict set of
new firearms regulations through the legislature. While the polling showed
roughly 90 percent of the state in favor of the reforms, when it came time to
put pencil to paper, the senator was removed because the only people who
bothered to vote were those angered by the new restrictions. Those who favored
them could not be bothered to actually go to a polling place and vote.
Therein lies the answer to your question, I believe.
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
On Jan 19, 2014, at 1:02 PM, Frank Wijsmuller wrote:
> Don't know if you're right, but if so the question remains... by whom are
> they given the opportunity to get in? By the people that stay out...?
> Best, Frank
> 2014/1/19 Mike Lazzari
> However politics tends to attract a
>> relatively high number of sociopaths. (as does law enforcement and CEO's
>> of corporations)
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