Hmmm. You seem to have completely forgotten IBIS. Big omission. By
all your previous logic Fuji should be the one in trouble.
On 1/15/2014 5:37 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
> Sorry, I meant to include Fujifilm and Panasonic in that last
> statement. I didn't mean to single out Olympus in it. But SONY has
> already moved on with Full-Frame, leaving Fujifilm, Olympus and
> Panasonic with crop-sensor cameras trying to compete with a full-frame
> solution in the adapted lens market. WHY would any photographer with a
> stash of high-quality lenses give a rip about a crop-sensor camera
> WITHOUT a Speedbooster reduction optic when a full-frame solution is
> available.
> Given that Olympus, specifically, is touting the adapted lens
> "advantage", this is an important point. Olympus' claimed advantage is
> nothing more than a sham now that the A7 is available.
> -- Ken Norton
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: