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[OM] macros in PS ver CS5

Subject: [OM] macros in PS ver CS5
From: John Hudson <OM4T@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2014 10:59:29 -0400
Are there such things as "macros" in PhotoShop CS5, akin to like named user 
created scripts or automated routines in spreadsheet programs?

For instance: I have a large number of TIFF image files of equal pixel 
dimensions [all taken with my E5] each one of which I want to take down to 
900 x 675 pixels at 100 ppi resolution, reduce from 16 bit to 8 bit, apply 
the Image / Auto Tone command, apply the Filter / Sharpen / Unsharp Mask 
command at a 50 / 1.0 / 0 level, save as a JPEG and then invoke File / Save 
As, then use the pull down menu in the save box to move to the chosen 
saved-in folder, and then specify as image file name incremented by 1 from 
the previous saved image.

If I have 50 TIFF images I would like to fire up the first image, invoke the 
macro and then wait two minutes for the fiftieth image to have been JPEG'ed 
and saved in the specified folder.

Is this automation possible and if so how?


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