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[OM] The noise about noisy shutters

Subject: [OM] The noise about noisy shutters
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 16:00:02 -0500 (EST)
>>>Responsiveness. A big time ugh. This is an area where I will agree
>>with the forum fairies and say that the A7 always felt like I was
>>trying to drag it to the picture. COME ON COME ON! We even
>>double-checked the settings, but it felt a beat behind. The shutter
>>>release felt fine, but the camera just didn't seem responsive.


>>There really is a difference between the two cameras, but only
>>noticable when doing an A/B comparison. Honestly, it's still quieter
>>than the typical DSLR or at worst the same as a typical DSLR. I really
>>do have to laugh about the fora comments on the A7R.

Yep, something odd about the shutter. Perhaps have to push it into the
sleeve too far making it seem sluggish?
AG is not the only one noticing this and he does quickly locate the
ergonomic nuances that effect him and many others very well.
Some consider use of somthing like this as there are no threads:


Suspect if AG went in with an adapter for OMZ lenses, he might very 
well walk out with A7(R) or order one.

More shutter shock stuff:


Suspect a Sony or 3rd party anti-shock mode will emerge but shot filled 
bean bag that I already have would also work it seems.

Shuddering Mike

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