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Re: [OM] Where are thou oh brother

Subject: Re: [OM] Where are thou oh brother
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 08:34:36 -0500
When using fill flash one does not use a slow sync speed.  If the 
ambient light is sufficiently bright to cast noticeable shadows a slow 
shutter speed is likely to require undesirable or even unattainable 
small apertures.  The E-M5 is especially bad in this respect due to its 
minimum 200 ISO.  Take the worst case, full sun.  If we use the sunny 16 
rule at ISO 200 we need f/16 at 1/200.  The E-M5 has a nominal max sync 
speed of 1/250.  My own E-M5 will sync at 1/320 (the spec for the E-M1). 
  At 1/320 the sunny 16 rule would call for f/13.  Quite probably still 
an undesirable aperture even at the maximum sync speed.

All that said, I have not actually tried fill flash with the E-M5.  When 
I did need it I grabbed the Canon 5D instead with its 1/200 sync speed 
and minimum 50 ISO.

I also admit to having no experience at all with flash units offering 
high speed sync.  Perhaps that solves they sync problem but I have 
always wondered if the light output is sufficient for full sun fill.

Dr. Flash

On 12/28/2013 12:49 AM, Moose wrote:
> * Relatively slow sync with shutter shock may be a real problem for
> some folks using fill. I just don't know enough about flash to give a
> meaningful opinion. My solution was to grab an Oly with SS delay.
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