Great shpt to illustrate the bah, humbug aspect of Christmas. Unfortunately, I
lost my empathy for you at "after I took this picture . . ." <g>
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
On Dec 25, 2013, at 2:46 PM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> Sorry to say, but Christmas Day is not one of my favourite days of the year.
> Everything is closed, the weather is often lousy, there is nothing worth
> watching on TV...but still, I usually go out and have a look at the misery:
> Before you all feel to sorry for me: after I took this picture, I walked to a
> Chinese grocery store which, to my delight, stocked two types of Kimchi, and
> afterwards I had a huge and delicious Christmas lunch at the house of a
> Lithuanian friend, Egle, with her husband, two delightful daughters, and both
> grandmothers visiting from Lithuania.
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