On 12/18/2013 7:39 PM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> ...
> There has been a lot of discussion and not a small amount of academic
> research on the effects on a camera of being nestled in a suitable bag. The
> effect is well documented for film cameras of course (Funz und Werteberger,
> 1953) although there was always some argument, violent at times, as to
> whether the effect was on the camera/film itself or upon the photographer.
> Being assaulted by a swinging Leica IIIf at a photographic symposium was not
> an unusual experience during such heated discussions. Only aggregations of
> academic philosopher demonstrate higher levels of unruly and violent
> behaviour.* I tend to the latter camp myself - a happy and comfortable
> photographer takes much better photographs.
> But of course the academic world is desperate for additional research as to
> whether this effect has carried forward into the digital era. If it has,it
> would tend to resolve that long running disagreement. Or, possibly not. I
> only know that purring softly to my camera and stroking the bag around it
> does seem to have a marked effect - usually on those around me who seem to
> move way quite quickly. Not necessarily a problem as the best art has always
> been produced in solitude by the mildly deranged.
Nice! I quite enjoyed that.
Philosophically Aggregated Moose
* And gatherings of physicists after publication of Einstein's Special Theory.
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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