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[OM] O.T. Computer Issues

Subject: [OM] O.T. Computer Issues
From: John Duggan <john.duggan10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 18:06:05 +0000
Chris, Phillipe, Nathan,
                                     Ok. I have decided to stop hitting my head 
against a brick wall. I can now download ( and read attachments) in MAIL. The 
interface is a bit different but I will get used to it. It has been a pain 
being unable to read Teacher Union information, casework, and downloads from my 
local Education Authority but at least it is sorted now, and I can give my wife 
her IPad back!

Is there an easy way to migrate my contacts e-mail addresses to mail…am I 
missing something obvious?

I have also synchronised my Firefox and Google bookmarks but cannot see any 
easy way to synchronise these to Safari. Again am I missing the obvious?

At least I feel I am getting somewhere.
Regards, John Duggan, Wales UK.

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