Hmm. Glad I asked. I did a quick search and did not find "big brother"
type concerns. But the place I did look was Amazon reviews of the
product. Although there are many positive #5 and #4 reviews I was
astonished at the number of #1 (very negative) reviews. I read all of
them and then I became even more astonished. There are some very
unhappy users of Windows 7 whose systems were damaged by the attempted
installation of PSE 12. Some were so serious as to require total
restoration of the system and applications. On a less serious note,
some of those who had made a generally positive review, while happy with
new functions such as content aware move, were upset over the
dumbing-down of the ACR functions from what was in PSE 11. A
dumbed-down ACR was not what I was looking for.
Anyhow, I have emailed Adorama and asked that I be allowed to return the
unopened package. While I only wanted to evaluate PSE 12 I was looking
forward to adding video editing with the included Premiere Elements app.
But I will not take the risk of clobbering my system. This package
will never be installed.
Chuck Norcutt
On 12/12/2013 11:38 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
> If you search for users' experience with PSE 12, the comments are all
> about the software continually sending messages back to Adobe. I have
> forgotten the specifics.
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
> On 12/12/2013 9:56 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> >I haven't installed it yet but I just bought PSE 12 (at a low price) to
>> >evaluate what it can do. What to you mean "big brother" type changes?
>> >
>> >Chuck Norcutt
>> >
>> >
>> >On 12/12/2013 9:43 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
>>> >>Chuck,
>>> >>
>>> >>I am still using PSElements 11.0, and it does what you say. I go from
>>> >>RAW to 16-bit jpeg, take it as far as I can, then convert to 8-bit to
>>> >>finish. Works fine.
>>> >>
>>> >>I recently looked at the latest version of Lightroom, and Elements 12.
>>> >>Found that I can't run the latest Lightroom on my XP system, and found
>>> >>that many people were unhappy with the "big brother" type changes that
>>> >>Adobe made in PSE 12. Both will expire unused.
>>> >>
>>> >>Jim Nichols
>>> >>Tullahoma, TN USA
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