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[OM] Papa's got a brand-new bag

Subject: [OM] Papa's got a brand-new bag
From: Paul Braun <pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 15:27:34 -0600
Or, at least it's on the way.

After careful consideration based on discussions here, online in various
forums and on DPReview, and trying several in the big-box stores around me,
I've decided to order the Domke F-5XB in weathered brown as my small
day-trip bag. Should hold the E-M5, one extra lens, and a flash quite

We'll see once the Amazon drone drops it on my front porch.  First thing
I'll probably do, after I verify that the necessary toys fit comfortably,
is to carefully use an X-acto knife and remove the "DOMKE" label on the
front flap.  The whole point of getting a bag in pre-weathered brown is to
NOT advertise "Hey!  I've probably got a bunch of expensive camera gear
here!"   The Domke label kinda defeats that...


Paul Braun
Certified Music Junkie

"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life." -- Harlan Howard
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