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Re: [OM] B&W and War

Subject: Re: [OM] B&W and War
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 08:02:27 -0600
I can't speak for Peacenik Bob, but given that there certainly was an
aggressor, a response that fell into the "war"category is not only moral
but expected. As to the tupe of response, as the old saying goes, "the
aggressor sets the terms of engagement."


On Tuesday, December 10, 2013, Nathan Wajsman wrote:

> So my father's war, which took him from the heart of Russia to within 35mm
> of Berlin between 1943 and 1945 was immoral? They should just have let the
> Nazis win?

Ken Norton
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