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Re: [OM] It is a puzzlement

Subject: Re: [OM] It is a puzzlement
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2013 18:12:53 -0600
> Okay, mystery solved. Apparently Google is watching. In this case, it was a 
> good thing. <g>
> No, AG, you don't get no stinkin' commission. But thanks, anyway. <g>

Google (and the other 'bots) are watching. (note the correct usage of
the apostraphe). Once in a while, the 'bots get a little eager and try
to map the entire site at once. Not a good thing.

My pleasure on hosting the gallery. I do need to set out a tip jar one
of these days, according to the CDFO.

Ken Norton
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